Understanding How Moore’s Law Impacts Your AV Decisions
Each time we seemingly reach a plateau where it seems like technology evolution is slowing down, an innovation enters the landscape, often kicking off an entirely new wave of product iterations. Simply put, technology is constantly evolving.
In the world of audiovisual (AV) technology, this means organizations need to be mindful of advances in projector, display and audio technologies as they design and build projects. This is especially true with large projects where healthy technology investments are quite common.
Never ending evolution
There are several different examples to illustrate how rapidly AV products evolve. Projection is a perfect example. We have seen dramatic evolution in the last five years alone. The advances go well beyond the equipment itself to include new projection applications on a growing number of usable surface materials.
As technology evolves at a rapid pace, it’s important to have a solid understanding of how to get the most out of your investment. For instance, how can you modify your application to creatively use your projector.
Using mapping, for example, could create innovative environments that truly captivate your audience. Projection mapping, much like video mapping and spatial augmented reality, is a projection technique used to turn objects, often irregularly shaped, into a display surface for video projection. These objects may be complex industrial landscapes, such as buildings, small indoor objects or theatrical stages. The possibilities are endless and are often the direct result of blending past experiences with creative experimentation. Electrosonic has utilized projection mapping on a life size cow to help educate visitors at farm museum.
The evolution does not end with projection. How companies leverage displays to create video walls, or the many ways to position audio to provide true experiences are constantly changing. As more technologies that previously had little to do with AV such as artificial intelligence and RFID continue to mature, the industry will see evolutions that yield unthinkable opportunities.
Don’t get trapped
This is where working with an experienced AV provider can make a significant difference. Between selecting the right technology from the beginning that will help you avoid under- or overbuying as well as understanding potential applications for your AV technology – not only today, but for years to come as your environment continues to evolve.
Without a pulse on current market innovations, a company could easily find themselves in a position of overspending for a cutting-edge solution that may not even be the best route to accomplish the organization’s goal in the first place. While each advance has its benefits, it is truly amazing what you can accomplish with the right strategy and willingness to step back and consider all the application needs before buying equipment.
Are you interested in learning more about how a heavily global AV partner can help you get the most out of your AV investment? At Electrosonic, we have the experience and expertise to guide you through the process. For the past five decades we have been helping companies creatively use technology to deliver immersive experience. Click here to learn more.
Ryan Poe
Ryan Poe, Electrosonic’s Director of Technology Solutions, works and writes on the frontiers of advanced technology. He is a trusted adviser on leveraging technology in new ways and works within our Innovation Garage framework to evaluate new technologies and develop resources that support a portfolio of advanced services.